Applied Kinesiology was discovered in 1964. Dr. George Goodheart D.C., an American chiropractor was using some of the standard Kinesiological muscle tests to assess muscle function on a patient, and was intrigued by some of the apparently inconsistent results he was getting.
The Beginning of Applied Kinesiology
This began a systematic period of brilliant research which led him to discover the correlation between the lymphatic system, the muscles, and Chapman's reflexes. Then working with Bennett's reflexes, he discovered the connections between these points which stimulate vascular flow and each muscle. Then he turned his attention to body energy flow as explained by Chinese acupuncturists. This was a really amazing breakthrough, as never before in the West had the meridians of acupuncture been integrated with our physical understanding of anatomy and physiology.
Applied Kinesiology has become the fastest growing natural approach to rectifying health problems.
Who uses Kinesiology?
Thousands of chiropractors in the States are using it. Many of whom are dedicated members of the International College of Applied Kinesiology, who in addition to their five years training, are also required to do extensive post-graduate work, and produce original research papers to qualify for diplomat status in the College. This has resulted in much new information being made available to practitioners in the natural health care arena.
Use of Applied Kinesiology in the UK
In this country, many physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, masseurs and some doctors are using Applied Kinesiological techniques. They achieve unusually quick results with many problems which previously resisted all attempts to gain relief by traditional methods.
Success with Applied Kinesiology
One reason for its success is that Applied Kinesiology. takes factors into consideration which have never before been addressed in the Western approach to health problem solving. Systematic Kinesiology is a simplified form of the highly developed and technical Applied Kinesiology used by professionals in health care.
The History behind Applied Kinesiology
John Thie, D.C., wanted to offer the general public guidelines with which they could take a practical interest in their own health and reduce the cost of health care. He felt strongly that until the general population is encouraged to take much more personal responsibility for their own health, rather than to rely almost entirely upon professionals to solve their health problems, we will never begin to solve the huge social/financial problem which ill-health poses to our society today.
He wrote the textbook with Mary Marks, D.C., called Touch for Health in 1972, and began offering classes and a training program to train 'Touch for Health' Instructors. In 1976, Brian Butler went to the States, and qualified as a Touch for Health Instructor, and since then has pioneered the teaching of Kinesiology classes regularly up and down the country, and also in many countries in Europe.
In 1986, The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology was formed to offer a new syllabus which took advantage of the latest research and developments in Kinesiology. There is a Professional Practitioner Course available for those who wish to become a fully qualified Kinesiologist.
The Benefits of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a means of enhancing health and well-being which can be easily learned by anyone, even those who have never before had any experience in this field. It is a completely safe way of balancing body energies. It helps athletes and sportsmen to achieve better than their previous bests.
It aids inner city dwellers to fight off the effects of urban life. It provides a means whereby small imbalances may be found and rectified before they develop into anything more serious. Everyone who learns Kinesiology is strongly urged not to become their own doctor, and if any health problem presents, or symptoms of any kind persist, then they are encouraged to seek professional help.
Get in touch and see if Lottie Hartigan, highly trained Kinesiologist specialising in Women's health, can make you feel like a new person!