What is Ileocecal Valve (ICV) Syndrome and how is it affecting your digestive health?
What is the Ileocecal Valve?
The Ileocecal Valve (ICV) can be a major factor in ones health and wellbeing. A malfunctioning Ileocecal Valve is an extremely common condition. It can give rise to an almost unbelievable list of distressing symptoms. It is frequently the cause of the "I just don't feel well" syndromes which abound, as well as many types of pain and other specific symptomatic patterns.
The Ileocecal Valve controls the flow of digested food when it is time for it to leave the Small Intestine, and go into the Large Intestine to start to become faeces. It should stay open and close at appropriate times. If it stays open too long, or not long enough, problems occur.
A small example of these are; Abdominal pain, "grumbling appendix", groin pain. Acne. Allergies are aggravated by the immune system weakening. "Arthritic" type aches and pains. Bad breath. Bloating. Blurred vision. Body Odour. Bowel Gas, distension of belly. Burping habitually. Candida Albicans persistent problems, open ICV creates alkalinity. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Catarrh. Chest pains that the person might think feels like heart pains. Chronic Fatigue. Colds or when the body is attempting to clear toxins. Colitis, diverticulitis, "sludging up" of the bowel. And much more...
Digestive Movements
The proper movement of the food through the digestive system is controlled by several valves. One at the top, and one at the bottom of the stomach, one at the junction of the Large and Small Intestine and the anus.
The Ileo-Caecal Valve controls the flow of digested food when it is time for it to leave the Small Intestine, and go into the Large Intestine to start to become faeces. It should stay open and close at appropriate times. If it stays open too long, or not long enough, problems occur.
What Problems Can A Malfunctioning I.C.V. Cause?
This is not necessarily a complete list, but the following give some idea of the diversity of effects people can suffer:
Abdominal pain, "grumbling appendix", groin pain. Acne. Allergies, are aggravated by the immune system weakening. "Arthritic" type aches and pains. Bad breath. Bloating. Blurred vision. Body Odour. Bowel Gas, distension of belly. Burping habitually. Candida Albicans persistent problems, open ICV creates alkalinity. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Catarrh, Chest pains, that the person might think feels like heart pains. Chronic Fatigue. Colds, or when the body is attempting to clear toxins. Colitis, diverticulitis, "sludging up" of the bowel. Constipation, and diarrhoea, alternating. Dehydration. Depression. Dark circles under the eyes, also a sign of kidney stress. Dizzyness. Digestive disorders. Elbow Pain, pseudo-tennis, and pseudo-golfer's elbow. "Flu" symptoms. Fatigue, and general lethargy. Fluid Retention. Gas. Headaches. Hip pain, particularly on the right. Hyperadrenia (relative) when closed. Hypoadrenia (relative) when open. Hypochlorhydria. Indigestion. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome". Knee pains, small joint pain. Lethargy. M.E. failure to recover from (Post Viral Syndrome). Migraines. Nausea. Nervous debility. Oedema. Pallor. Palpitations or feeling of "heart flutter". Post nasal drip. Post-Viral Syndrome. Pseudo-Bursitis. Pseudo-frozen shoulder. Pseudo sinus infection. Shoulder Pain, shoulder joint pain, particularly on the right. Skin problems, exacerbates eczema or psoriasis. Spots. Stiff neck, from toxins in weak upper trapezius. Sudden low back pain, "I only bent over to a pick up a pencil.". T.A.T.T. (Tired all the time syndrome). Thirst, sudden or excessive. Thrush. Tinnitus, ringing or whistling noises in the ear. Water retention. Remember this is list is only an example of ICV symptoms.
What Can Cause The I.C.V. To Malfunction?
THE MIND with its negative emotions, thoughts, ideas, dreams, fears, phobias, and anxieties. All have a psychosomatic effect. The psyche (mind) directly affects the body (soma). Americans refer to a "Gut reaction", when involved with emotional upsets.
THE BIO-CHEMISTRY of food digestion. Too much raw food, bran, roughage like bran, alcohol in excess, caffeinated drinks, crisps, nuts and even whole grains can cause the I.C.V. to malfunction. So can allergies and food sensitivities, a lack of HCL and digestive enzymes, minerals and vitamins. S.K. can check for specific nutritional needs.
THE BODY Over-tiredness due to straining the structure of the muscles, bones and organs, or lack of exercise can upset smooth functioning of the digestive system.
LIFE FORCE The fourth, often neglected vital part of us is the LIFE FORCE. Microwaves, energy excesses and deficiencies in acupuncture meridians, electro-magnetic pollution, all can affect our digestion.
If you think this might be the cause of some of your health problems, please consider getting yourself checked out. It could well change your whole life!